Best Friends Forever?

Three people walking, surrounded by greenery with the post title over it.
Best Friends Forever? A personal note on friendship.

Remember BFFs from high school? Best Friends Forever? Honestly, I never really got that concept. Probably, because I had very few friends in high school – let alone BFFs.

It always felt a bit odd. What makes one friend better than others? What makes you think you're going to have that relationship forever? Frankly, I did not see my grandparents hang out with their high school buddies. Neither did my parents.

For me, friends came. And friends went. Especially in my teenage years.

They left school. Moved somewhere else. Did an exchange year abroad. Or simply took other courses.

Now, I am 28 years old. And I think I finally understood Best Friends Forever.

BFFs aren't necessarily the ones you hang out with every week.

BFFs aren't necessarily the ones you call every time something happens.

BFFs aren't necessarily the ones that live close by.

No. BFFs are the friends, that you don't see for two years. And yet, when you meet them again, it feels like you just pick up where you left off.

BFFs are those friends, that you share inside jokes with. Those that make others cringe a little.

BFFs are those friends, that make you feel like a weekend goes by in the blink of an eye.

Yes, as you probably guessed, my wife and I recently went to see our BFF again. It was a weekend full of laughter, tears of joy, and stupid jokes. We picked up where we left off. And I can't wait to see her again.